5 years ago
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Goodies
Ward Christmas Party
Damon was however very excited about the sweet suckers that Santa was giving to all the kids. There were so many people at our party and the kids were so excited. It was cute, but a little tiring.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The park across the street from our house has the perfect sledding hill. It is just very rare that there is snow to use it (kids are always using their sleds even without snow, it is pretty funny.) We took the opportunity today.
Damon was so excited to go to the park. He picked up all of his toys without even complaining. It was really nice, and now I know how little help he really needs. He claims a lot, but now I know the truth.
It was a little chilly today and the first really wintery weather we have. Since we live on a busy road and a hill we know winter is here when we watch people sliding down the hill all day (I mean in their cars.) Someone actually slid from the road and into our yard today. They just missed our car.
I had to convince Damon to get in the sled with me. He spent most of his time sliding down the hill on his tummy. I guess the sled goes too fast for him.

What was once a summer kiddie pool has now become the king of all sleds. I don't know who these kids were, but what an idea! I wish I had thought of it, and also that I had a sweet kiddie pool like this to use as a sled. I hope they didn't notice I was taking pictures of them. I tried to be sneaky. I fully expect the police to show up at my door anytime tonight. Okay, now I sound crazy! I really do not go around taking pictures of other people's children.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Damon's phone calls
This is Damon on the phone with Elise and Brady in Iowa. He loves them both very much and was having such a great time talking to them. He was pacing around the entire house just like Tyler does when he is one the phone. I just hope he doen't also start picking things up and placing them in random, unseen places around the house. Tyler does that while he is on the phone, too. I will find the remote in the garage and crazy things like that. Whenever we are in the store or somewhere busy Damon wants to call people. He also askes to call Brady during the day. I have to remind him that Brady is in school. So if anyone needs someone to talk to, Damon is always happy to have a phone conversation. Give him a call.
We had a little get together with Tyler's family last weekend. All the little boys and only one balloon was a bit of a problem. The only time anyone was smiling or happy was when they had the thing and were running from everyone else. The rest of the time they were mad and chasing down the person who had it. It was really funny to see how fast their moods would change as they repeatedly caught and then had stollen the silly balloon. It got pretty intense a few times. They are all very competitive. Next time we know to have more than one.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Andy and Ari
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Primary Talent Show
At our Primary Talent Show last night the bishop asked Tyler to help them with their skit, but wouldn't tell him what he had to do.
Here he is as their table. The characters ended up getting mad and left Tyler with cups on his back.
Here he is trying to get them off and about a half a second later they are spilling all over his neck. It was funny. I wish I had a picture of that.
Damon was very excited to play basketball for his talent. He went downstairs to practice a lot this week. He was so funny. It was really cute. If anyone is looking for a great primary activity have a talent show. It was so cute and funny. The kids do most of the work. We just bought pizza and soda, and made some rice crispey treats. The prep, planning, and clean up was really minimal and it turned out really great. The kids were so cute and excited about their skills. We had all kinds of things. From teaching us how to draw a rose, a drumer, jokes, singing, piano, etc. Oh, and of course a lesson in shooting a basketball from my favorite little buddy.
This last weekend my dad came to our house while Tyler worked and I took Hunter's Safety, yup Tyler finally got me to take it. I was less than excited. I will post pictures of that later. I will also put up some pictures of my house after Tyler paints it. That was our deal. He has to paint our house since I took the class. I hate painting and I needed something out of the deal. Anyway, my dad and Taylor came over to babysit for us. It was fun to see them and so nice of them to help us out. I came home for lunch as they were getting home from the park. Damon was so excited to show me this worm they dug up. He was a little scared of them when he was little, so he was very proud of himself. At first I thought he was putting on a good show and trying to be brave, but he was really into the worm. Not afraid at all. He is really turning into a typical, bug loving, dirt digging, messy little boy.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
We love Halloween
Here are a few pictures of our fun Halloween. We had a lot of different places to go. Damon was so excited to be Spiderman. He hasn't ever really had an opinion before (I think I talked him out of something last year, so I guess we will say this is the first year he picked what he wanted to be.) These pictures weren't all taken on the same day, however you will notice Damon is Spiderman in every one. He practially wore out his costume before Halloween.
Here is Damon at a party at the library.
This is Damon's preschool class. They had a little party and the moms were all feeling very safe. We had Superman, Batman, and Spiderman all under one roof.

I made Tyler help us carve pumpkins this year. He usually tries to get out of it. He ended up doing most of the work. No wonder he avoids it. Damon picked a hard pattern and wanted Daddy to help him. I guess you can't really see it in this picture, but it was a bunch of little monsters. It turned out really good.

Our ward had a trunk-or-treat. Tyler handed out the candy while Damon and I went to all the cars. Then we went back to our trunk and Damon had just as much fun passing out candy to all the kids. It was a lot of fun and we, errrrr Damon got some really good candy.
We made a stop at the mall to see Rainbow Bright, a.k.a. my sister Lori.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tag, You're It
The Rules:
Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags six people and posts their names then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Have fun!
1. My favorite breakfast is pancakes and fried eggs, when I have the time. When I don't Damon and I like old fashioned oatmeal (not the quick oats) with cinnamon, rasins, and pecans, fast and so yummy.
2. I have negative feelings about worrying about the people I love. I worry way too much.
3. When I was little, I used to, like JaCeelyn worry myself sick (maybe we should start a support group). However, when I wasn't worrying about something silly (I had no idea the things adults have to be concerned with) I also loved cooking with my mom and playing games with my dad and siblings. I learned so much from both of my parents and have lots of memories from when I was young. Oh, I also loved watching "Full House" with my family every Friday night. We would race downstairs with our dinner and never missed an episode. Good times! Anybody else do that?
4. I love so many things, but if you want the really less sentimental things here it is. I love bags. I am always looking at them and talking myself out of buying anymore. Tyler tries to compare his love of guns, and buying them with my bags. I don't think so. There is quite the price difference there. He will continue to try, but I will never buy it.
5. I'm a sucker for... hmmmm. I can't really think of anything really good. I would say I do let Tyler get his way a little more than I should. He just has a way of getting what he wants. His mom says he was always like that growing up too. She says he never got in much trouble because he would just smile and not say much. He is very tricky.
6. I absolutely love getting a lot accomplished. If I ever have a dead line or just a lot to do I have to make a list for myself. That I don't love so much, but crossing things off feels really good.
Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags six people and posts their names then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Have fun!
1. My favorite breakfast is pancakes and fried eggs, when I have the time. When I don't Damon and I like old fashioned oatmeal (not the quick oats) with cinnamon, rasins, and pecans, fast and so yummy.
2. I have negative feelings about worrying about the people I love. I worry way too much.
3. When I was little, I used to, like JaCeelyn worry myself sick (maybe we should start a support group). However, when I wasn't worrying about something silly (I had no idea the things adults have to be concerned with) I also loved cooking with my mom and playing games with my dad and siblings. I learned so much from both of my parents and have lots of memories from when I was young. Oh, I also loved watching "Full House" with my family every Friday night. We would race downstairs with our dinner and never missed an episode. Good times! Anybody else do that?
4. I love so many things, but if you want the really less sentimental things here it is. I love bags. I am always looking at them and talking myself out of buying anymore. Tyler tries to compare his love of guns, and buying them with my bags. I don't think so. There is quite the price difference there. He will continue to try, but I will never buy it.
5. I'm a sucker for... hmmmm. I can't really think of anything really good. I would say I do let Tyler get his way a little more than I should. He just has a way of getting what he wants. His mom says he was always like that growing up too. She says he never got in much trouble because he would just smile and not say much. He is very tricky.
6. I absolutely love getting a lot accomplished. If I ever have a dead line or just a lot to do I have to make a list for myself. That I don't love so much, but crossing things off feels really good.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
State Cross Country

Damon was very silly today. I think the excitement really rubbed off on him. He is also very excited to have a new cousin. She lives in Iowa so we won't see her until Christmas, but he likes to look at pictures of her on the internet. He asked if he could call her his sister. He keeps saying how cute she is. Her name is Mylee and she was born on this last Wed. (Oct. 24).We can't wait to meet her. Christmas seems so far away.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pumpkin Patch

And here is another little tractor. The lady gave the kids a ride in the trailor. They had so much fun and the weather was beautiful (we went here last year and it was so cold it almost wasn't fun.)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Day at the Mall
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