Our celebrating started on Wed. when we went to the "Forgotten Carols." It was such a good way to bring in the holiday spirit.
Damon got a little restless near the end, but I think he had a good time. He insisted on sitting in the chair with the same number as his ticket. That meant that when I made him move closer to me (in an attempt to keep him quiet a few min. longer) we all had to search for our tickets and then find the one that had his number.
Thursday we had dinner at our house, which I think is great. My fridge gets filled with all the leftovers.
After our food settled we ran across the street to play football. It was such a nice day!
We had to end our day with a game of Monopoly. This was Damon as photographer, so it has that "looking up at everyone" charm, which only someone short can accomplish. At least we are centered.
My last November post. I am so grateful for my wonderful family and friends. Every one of them means so much to me, and I have something special to love in each of them. I am so blessed to be surrounded by those I love and be able to keep in touch with those who aren't so close.
5 years ago