Damon has been brushing up on his reading so he will be ready for first grade in a few weeks (can't believe it's almost here.) And, if it's something Damon is doing, Ellie is sure to be right behind him.
Saying good-bye to Ryan this week was so hard, but we are so excited for him, too. And, we got to spend such a fun weekend with him in Bear Lake!
First stop, Ranch Hand for dinner.
There was lots of ping pong and pool. Ryan and Tyler vs. Dad and Uncle Jay was a continuous battle.
GRANDMA'S HAM! There is nothing like it. Her ham is the best ham of all the hams and giant. I have never seen anything like it.
Croquet on the beach. If you haven't tried it you should. It is so fun!
You can make all kinds of traps and obstacles that you just don't get from the average game of croquet in the grass.
Tuesday we went golfing as a farewell to Ryan and a Happy Birthday to Tyler.
(This is what I do.)
We are going to miss Ryan so much. He is one of the funniest/ kindest people I know. But, we are so excited to hear all the stories he brings home from his mission to Guatemala.