I did have time earlier this month to make these cool paper "flowers" and I couldn't resist putting them all over the house.

Conference also reminded me that this little baby has been hanging on a hook behing my pantry door for 6 months. It all started last General Conference while the boys were at their Priesthood meeting. Ari and I decided to be crafty and hurried to the fabric store. We found what we wanted and had it cut. When we got to the checkout line and heard the price I had the urge to drop my stuff and flee. I'm used to DIY being less expensive, not more. It took a second for me to remember that once the fabric is cut I am committed. At an attempt to tame my buyers remorse I rationalized. "I'm improving my sewing skills." "It is going to be really cute." "Tyler spent a lot more on a bike today." Things like that. The more time and effort I put into the apron the more I thought about when I'd use it. For example, I probably won't want to use it while cooking spagetti. And, since it is going to be sooo cute I may want to wear it in more than just the kitchen. And, since I don't want to get anything on that cute fabric, I may not want it in the kitchen at all. Hmm! But, that doens't make much sense and I like to be practical (I even considered spraying it with some of that waterproofing spray that Tyler uses on camping gear.)So, for the last 6 months it's just hung there (except for the one time I wore it while cutting Tyler's hair. I was pretty excited about that since it really did it's job of protecting my clothes, but couldn't get permenantly damaged.) So now I wonder, "Will it just hang there for the next 6 months?" Hard to say. Oh, and don't be surprised if you see me outside of the kitchen wearing an apron for no reason at all.