I just wanted to add this funny picture of Damon. This is him whenever I go to get my hair done and I don't have a babysitter. He was so good, though. My hair took forever and the DVD player wasn't working very well. I got him a pretzle and a drink to keep him entertained which he loved. I realized we were running late and I had to be somewhere in just a few min. Lori just finished as quick as she could (with my hair) and just before we left Damon spilled his drink all over. It made the biggest mess and I felt so bad because I had to leave it for Lori to clean up. It was a crazy day at the salon. I am so lucky to have a sister to do my hair and a very patient little boy.
5 years ago
I love the Craft Idea! That is so cute!
You are so creative!! Really, I am jealous!! We should scrapbook sometime and have an Office party too!!
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