We are really going to miss all the fun we have during the summer months. Tomorrow I have to register Damon for Kindergarten and I can't believe he won't be home with me all day anymore. I hope to be able to post lots more fun pictures of things we are planning to do over the next few weeks. What is everyone else planning to do with the rest of the summer?
5 years ago
He is adorable and a perfect mix of you and your husband. Sending Elijah to Kindergarten wasa little bittersweet, but they really do so well with it all. Kids need the time to grow and learn.
He is SO adorable!!
Have with what is left of summer.
CUTe pics, you are good at taking pictures.
I was also thinking that Damon is a good mix, but really looks like you and your brother Ryan. So you are ended up registering him. HOw long will he be gone in the day. That will give you more time to blog. Love the pics. PS. Waiting for you to leave a memory on my blog...just which one will you pick???:)
Looks like fun. I feel like I'm looking at a male Donilyn. I can't believe how much Damon looks like you. He definitely has your smile.
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