We love playing games! Damon has been really into them lately. Here are a few pictures from just the last couple of days. We also frequently play Life, Monopoly Jr., Uno Attack, and Memeory.

Does anybody remember Splat? This is a second-hand game from a long time ago. All it needed was some new Play-Doh and some Dice. We also had to make a slight variation since the cards are missing. No problem, we got it figured out, and have lots of fun! Who doesn't love making little bugs out of Play-Doh and then smashing each other with a big hand that says "Splat"?

"Cootie," another classic from my childhood. They made a few updates, but it is still the same old game. And, this one is still on the shelfs.
Any other fun games that can be enjoyed by kids as well as their parents? Let us know!