We love playing games! Damon has been really into them lately. Here are a few pictures from just the last couple of days. We also frequently play Life, Monopoly Jr., Uno Attack, and Memeory.

Does anybody remember Splat? This is a second-hand game from a long time ago. All it needed was some new Play-Doh and some Dice. We also had to make a slight variation since the cards are missing. No problem, we got it figured out, and have lots of fun! Who doesn't love making little bugs out of Play-Doh and then smashing each other with a big hand that says "Splat"?

"Cootie," another classic from my childhood. They made a few updates, but it is still the same old game. And, this one is still on the shelfs.
Any other fun games that can be enjoyed by kids as well as their parents? Let us know!
I used to love Cooties! Good thing we can count on you to keep your blog updated. I keep thinking I'll do better, but it's not happening!
You are such a good mommy. Lots of fun for Damon. I love the crazy hair. yours still looks pretty cute. I was kind of looking for you at the marathon. I'm not sure I'm going to run next year. I am so tired of running. You know, Running of 3 hours on a Saturday morning sure takes up a lot of precious time. Did you end up running Boston?
COOTIE! A classic from MY childhood too. I got it for Christmas when I was tiny, and then lost it. I was always sad about it - and in an effort to make me happy my parents got it for me again a couple years ago for Christmas. lol
Wyatt and I love playing games, too! Wyatt wins every time we play Life! Have you guys tried Clue Jr? That is also a lot of fun!
Doni, Thanks for your help with my blog. I didn't figure it out right away but after talking to you I had an epiphany late that night while I was in bed. I was so excited I had to wake John up and tell him that I had finally figured it out. I was doing all my posts in gadgets instead of in post.(Way easier to do them in posts.) By the way, I love your music selection, for some reason when I heard it it made me even more homesick for you guys. Love ya!
Doni, I'm surprised I haven't commented yet. I've looked at it a few times. I guess I was thinking of a game to suggest to you and I have one. We just played it tonight with Lori. It's called The Amazing Labrynth. It is really fun and you can simplify it individually so Damon could play with ya. You should look for it. I WISH YOU WERE HERE. You have to come this summer. :)
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