...and not because I suddenly have a bunch of free time (my list is a mile long), but because I decided I was going to do two things today, for sure. #1. Make a post, and #2. Go for a run. Because I ran first you all get to read about something I thought about a lot during my run, but first I am going to update you on a few things we have been doing lately.
We went to a Gingerbread Bake Off. It was so fun and there were so many amazing creations. I did not know which one to share, but because I am feeling nostalgic today I picked "Candy Land." Doesn't it just bring back so many childhood memories? It does for me!
Damon got a haircut. He and Lori decided to see whose hair stood up the longest, before his was all cut short. I think she won.

We went to a fun Variety Show at the Institute. The reason for this picture (it's a milk fountain) is that my mom and I were just talking about some peoples heath concerns over chocolate fountains. I had just stated my opinion on the matter ("I think it is mostly young kids that double dip, that may worry people."). This is the moment my child, complete with fresh brownie crumbs all over his lips, dumps all the milk from his cup, which he has been drinking out of and re-filling for the past several min., back into the fountain. There was a good 3 or 4 gallons in there. We grabbed our treats and got the heck out of there. I hope nobody I know saw! So I guess if my theory is accurate, it is people like me who let their kids play in the fountains, who are probably causing all the problems. Opps!

This was a fun day. Damon loves the way I moved the furniture to make room for our tree. It creates a perfect little spot for his "cave," as he puts it (ya know a blanket "hut.") I finally joined him in "the cave" to read a book by flashlight. It was so fun. I felt like a kid again and for a few min. forgot about all my little stresses. I highly recommend it.
Now on to my run. I do a lot of thinking while running, and usually it is a lot more interesting and important than what consumed my thoughts today, but, even though I have already gone on and on, I will share it anyway.
Ya know when you see those products out there that claim to fight, both wrinkles and acne? And ya know how they get made fun of ("30 Rock," anyone)? Well, it seems that I am finding myself one of those people. I am 26 years old. Don't I get a few years when I can be free from both? It doesn't look like it. Does anybody else have this problem. Console me. And if you can't relate I still want a comment. It should read something such as "Sorry about your luck," "Hahaha," or I will even accept "Good luck with that." Let me know!
This post was so fun to read, it leaves me with so much to say. First, that is the coolest cake ever! I am totally investing in the wrong hobbies, I should be a cake maker. Second, what a fun ant! Third, I was going to have a party with a milk fountain and invite you guys to it but your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Last, I'll trade my acne free face for your body.
"Sorry about your luck," "Hahaha," "Good luck with that." Just kidding. :) Brady says you and Damon are twins in this last picture. I love the gingerbread house/land. I totally thought you made it before I read. Now I remember I was on the phone with you while you were there. And don't worry, I found what I was looking for. You were right! Haha. I'm glad to see Lori's hair cut. She promised me a picture and she STILL hasn't updated! I think the milk fountain story is the funniest thing I've heard all week...or month. I can just picture it all! Does the guy behind the fountain look disgusted because he saw Damon do it?
I do not know how to make gingerbread men or houses...a hidden talent of yours I can see. I wish I went for a run today, think about ti every day, but never do. Remember how I was going to make a workout plan...sorry about that...after the holidays. Did this just turn into an email?
Lol, I just got done posting a pic of a Candyland gingerbread thing on my blog! :)
And whatever! You are no where near old woman stage!!
"Good Luck with That" YOu crack me up. Sure love your gingerbread house. How creative. I like to read books to the girls in their blanky forts too. I wish you lived closer so we could go on a morning run together. We sure had a lot of good talks on all of our runs. You're such a fun gal. Miss you! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
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