Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Say Cheese!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Last weekend

Nobody thought we would have good weather for the lake, but it turned out really fun. Especially making sand castles, playing volleyball, and catching seagulls. They'll do anything for people food.
Here is Andy baiting the trap, (The trap is Tyler and he is, oh so carefully, hidden under the blanket).
It's a great spectator sport.
Tyler in action.
Poor birdie who wasn't quite fast enough.
We love our time with family and last weekend was great!
Until next time. I am off to bed. We are getting up way too early tomorrow morning for a pioneer treck. Wish us luck!
Monday, June 15, 2009
William Joseph

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wait, you're how old?

Last week Damon graduated Kindergarten,

We had a fun little party on Wed. because Tyler was going to be gone all weekend. It worked out great because on his actual birthday (Thursday) I was sick all day. I felt bad that Damon had to fend for himself most of the day. We are so lucky we have my sister Lori just down the road and she came over as soon as she got off work.
It's T-ball Time Again!

Monday, June 1, 2009
Memorial Day!

Running through the trees as fast as possible...
Finding "forts"...
Climbing trees...
Weird bugs, throwing rocks in the river, green everywhere, I could go on and on.
We also spent time at the cemeteries and stopped for Aggie Ice Cream!
It was a great day!