Because I am finally feeling better and I have the time, I am going to post a bunch of pictures of Damon's first T-ball games of the season. T-ball has got to be the funniest sport ever. I love it!

Damon is a lot more focused this year but he did have moments. Kind of like the second baseman and runner in this pic. What do you think they are looking at? (Can't stop laughing at this one.)

Damon takes his time "on deck" so seriously!
He has been hitting really well this year. I like that you can see the ball in this one.
Suddenly he started doing some yoga pose mid inning. I think he was harnessing his chi!

This time to first base he ran with really straight arms and hands. He looked like a robot. That may have been what he was going for. I'm not sure.

There is always lots of writting in the sand.

This is my favorite of the week for sure. This kid kept laying down right in the middle of the game. Everyone tried coaxing him to stand up, but when he needed a break, he needed a break. If I get more like this one I may have to do a T-ball pic of the week. He has another game tomorrow so I guess we'll see.
Does anyone else find T-ball as funny as I do? If anybody wants to come to a game and laugh with me let me know. It's a lot more fun in a group and, then I'm not as scared of the parents getting mad at me for laughing at their kids. I just can't help it.
Please please please have a tball photo of the week. I would love it. It definitely is the most entertaining sport to watch.
HOw fun! Tayvon goes when I get big I can play that!
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