I think virtual communication is awesome, but don't you just love a "Happy Snail Mail Day?" I had one a couple of days ago. Let me start by saying that our old house had a cute little mail box on the front porch, and I anticipated the little squeek that signaled the mail had arrived everyday. When we moved into our new house I had to say goodbye to a cute box on the porch and hello to a community mail box on top of the hill above our house. Needless to say I don't get the mail everyday, especially when it is cold.
So you can imagine my surprise when a cute little postman arrived at my front door with the days mail in tow. I should tell you that there are only two spots for packages at our mailbox so if someone doesn't empty their package after a few day the mail carrier brings the mail to your house so you don't have to wait for the other person (this has only happened twice).
Hand delivered mail already signals a good mail day for me, but it doesn't end there. We only had 2 pieces of "junk mail" and 1 bill. Again a good mail day. But wait, I'm not done.

Cassie's phone, which she has been calling us about everyday around 2:00, finally came (It took forever.) We didn't mind hearing from her, but we know she has been antsy for a replacement to the phone she lost, and I am sure Ramona will be happy to get hers back, too.

We also received a cute card and pictures from the Martins.

And, a little something from Ryan in Guatemala. You may notice my letter is in Spanish which equals a little extra work for me, but more exciting I think.
Is it silly that this was so fun for me I am actually blogging about it?
I hope you all have a Happy Snail Mail Day, too once in awhile.
P.S. Today is Ryan's birthday. I hope he has a happy one.
Wow! That's amazing. I get so excited about snail mail too. I got a card from Lori and Cameron today so I thought that was pretty exciting! I'm glad you liked the card and pics. I wanted to show you some of the editing I've been doing since the day you showed me how to use the ***** tool. (I'm blanking on the name. You know the one.) I'm also waiting for a package from mom. I was so bummed when I got a slip of paper saying they tried to deliver and I was gone. Now I think I have to pick it up. I'm so happy for your day of bounteous mail!!
Doni, your so right about the computer screen. John came home and read the blog and pointed to the little mouse hand on the screen. Did Elise tell you that we ran into them twice in two days when Emily and Cassie were here, that was so wierd because we have NEVER ran into them before. It was fun to see them. We were all shopping a crazy sale at Children's Corner so there was frenzy in the air.
Silly to blog that? ... NEVER. Happy snail mail day to all - shout it on the roof tops. lol
ps - LOVE the 5 love languages! Always fun to learn what a persons is.
Mail is fun, when it's not bills! I love that book. Very enlightening. That cracks me up that Ryan wrote you an entire letter in Spanish.
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