This is also the guy that told me he had to fight the urge to punch the nurse who had to give him a tetanus shot.
Now here he is donating blood. All grown up.
Damon was the one making jokes and acting silly to mask the fact that he was uncomfortable. I assured him he had to be 17 and 110 lbs. to donate. But I also had to let him know that the food table was for people willing to bleed for the cause. He didn't meet any of the criteria.
Donating blood, for me, would be nearly impossible!!!!!! Oh just looking at the first pictures made me about pass out.
Go Ty, what a man.
Wow. He's come a long way! I've cried at nearly all of my Dr. apts. due to the fact that I've had blood drawn, or fingers pricked, or shots given. I keep thinking next time I won't freak out but I always do! I like how Tyler would use aggression instead of tears. But it looks like those days are past. Great job Tyler!
Tell Tyler I am so proud of him. He really is getting over his fear of needles. I don't want to donate blood although I should and I really should let Dad donate, but he got so sick after the last time.
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