A couple of weeks ago I followed these two boys around the good old county fair.

We spent a lot of time at the Super Slide, 'cause lets face it, it was the best ride there.

I can't wait for the funnel cakes at the state fair in just 2 weeks and counting. I wonder which topping I will get this year? Hmmm! Anyway, we all had a good time and I ran into a few people I haven't seen in such a long time. BTW, Taylor is getting big. I had to send this picture to Ryan to show him how much he has grown in a year. CRAZY!
Who is that tall, ripped guy standing by you?! I can't believe it! Didn't I just see him a few months ago? Wow! He is growing. Sorry you got sick on the hammer. I have pretty much given up on almost every ride that isn't a roller coaster. I always get dizzy and sick. Damon and Devin are so cute together.
I bet Ryan couldn't believe that picture of Taylor. You were a good sport to ride that ride with him. I remember loving that slide when they had it at Lagoon.
Ok, that fair looks so fun. I really should have gone.
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