Dear Winter,
Please go away! We want to go to the beach!
April, a new month, and one day close to warmer weather. Damon is excited about April Fools and I still haven't come up with anything fun.

Last year we had a silly dinner with meatloaf cupcakes, mashed potato "frosting" and dessert pot pies. I think I got the instructions for the pot pies at (not sure), but they were pretty simple and here are some pictures if you want to try it.

Rolled up tin foil holds the pie crust in shape while it bakes, and then it is easily removed once everything has cooled. I used a fork to make our initials for vent holes.

The filling is shaped chewy candy like starbursts and chewy jolly ranchers (that's where I got the bright green.) You can eaily soften them in the microwave, but it only takes a few seconds. I learned this lesson the hard way on a seprate occasion (it happened on a late March evening in Iowa, anybody remember?) I also used dried apples for the "chicken." Then stir it all in vanilla pudding. It's fun and everything tastes pretty good. Now I have to think of something new for this year. If you have any ideas let me know.