I know it has been awhile, and I have so much I could write about, but today is the day for a post about a recent straw purchase I made. I have been in the market for reusable stainless steel drinking straws. First, I searched online. I found what I was looking for, but $3-$5 per straw plus shipping was not within my straw budget. So, I searched all over town with no luck. Finally, after asking at Bed, Bath & Beyond a woman told me they could be found at Maverick. "Ummm, really?" I decided to check it out.

The warning on the wrapper was so funny to me. When I read it to Tyler his reaction was, "Oh ya, that would be bad!" Not the reaction I was expecting, but true after I stopped laughing and thought about it.

Still, I decided to risk the recommend appropriate age of 12yrs. and let Damon sip away.
How fun would it be to come up with warning labels. Am I the only one that usually finds them hilarious?
My favorite warning is on fruit roll-ups...Remove cellophane before eating...Makes me laugh every time!
Yes there are some hilarious ones out there. I enjoyed the DO NOT DIVE sign right next to the two-feet-high kiddy pool the other day.
Warning labels are funny. But, I guess they have to put them there for the majority of Americans. That might not be such a good sign!
Those straws are cool!
You are so fun and creative Doni! I would love to be you for a day. I don't know how you come up with the things you do.
cute pics,uncle blaine and tay laughed all the way home from yellowstone trying to remember warnings on labels. dads favorite, this helmet can cause concussion, paralisis or death.
Totally just was giggling away. so I just wanted to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You need to get me your number, because I suck and don't have it. Anyways hope you had a great day! Love ya!
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