I did get Damon's announcements mailed a couple weeks ago. So, if you haven't gotten one yet let me know. The same day I sent them, I was mailing post cards, and some never reached their destination. So, I wanted to make sure that didn't happen with these. We plan on having lunch at our house after. Also, since it is Damon's birthday he really wants to have a "game party" as he called it. "You just put a bunch of games out and everyone can go to whatever one they want, and play," was about how he described it to me. So, if you have a fun game let me know. I am hoping for good weather and maybe some outside games, too. And, we have plenty of room for anyone who wants to stay over night. Just let me know.
I love his description of a "game party." That is so cute, and it actually made me laugh out loud. And the picture is too cute.
I called the other day to thank you for my package. That was SO exciting to receive! I loved everything in it. In fact, I rushed to the bathroom to redo my hair with no intention of leaving the house the rest of the night, just to try on my new hair piece. Mercer almost ate the shower gel, and Mylee almost spilled it on the carpet. We were having fun smelling them. Thanks so much!
PS Mylee colored you a bday picture and I made you something cute with my clay back in March, but I'll have to send it when we move. Sorry! The time has just flown, and now most of my house is in boxes.
WE are so excited to come.
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