This is Damon, very excited about what he found in his stocking. I got him the fuzzy blue socks, which he is wearing in this picture, because he is always taking mine. I tried to tell myself that the blue was a little more boyish, but I am pretty sure I am the only person, ever, to buy socks like these for their son. Please don't judge me too harshly. I missed my own.

My mom had little games and competitions for us. Blowing these silly bubbles was one of them.

Brady, Taylor, and Lori had some really big ones. We all felt light headed after. Not just from all the air we blew into the things, but because there were fumes in the room that about made us pass out. We had to evacuate the room and open a few windows for a while.
Here is a comopetition to see who could shoot down the most bowling pins with a little gun. It was pretty fun and the guns where more accurate than you might think.
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