Damon was so excited to receive his first CTR ring today. He is so cute about it. He keeps looking at it and whispering, "Choose the Right." I guess it might work. He also seems to like his new teacher which I am very happy about. Starting the New Year off right!
How cute! What class is he in? Ian was a Sunbeam for the first time today and he bore his testimony for the first time at church it was so cute to see him act like such a big boy!
Cute, cute, cute! I bet he is so proud of his ring. Jocelyn also got one at Church, except I'm not really sure what her teacher is teaching because Jocelyn said if she ever took off her CTR ring she would die becuase it protects her. I guess we better not loose that little ring. I can't believe how much they are growing up! I need to email you or call you soon.
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