I am finally getting around to this tag from Lindsey. I thought it looked pretty fun! I have been busy lately and it has taken me forever.
A- Attached or Single? Attached (it has been almost 8 years, although when asked, Tyler thinks, "Around five... I think." I guess that is better than him saying 20.
B- Best Friend? My best "Boy" friend is Tyler, my best " four year old" friend is Damon, my best "running partner" friend is Tara (don't worry I think of you as more than just a running partner), my best "in town" friend is Lori, my best "long distance" friend is Elise, I could go on and on, okay not really, I don't really have a lot of friends, but each is specially in their own way. Even those of you I didn't name. I really love all of you.
C- Cake or pie? Hello, both! Cake, I love, but it has to have good frosting and lots of it. Pie, yummy, I really love fruit pies with a crumbly topping.
D- Day of choice? Any day that the house is clean. I also love Thursday's because it is TV night.
E- Essential Item? My contacts, I can't see a thing without them.
F- Favorite Color? Purple, green is a close second.
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Eewwww! No thank you! I take all the chocolate and leave the gummy candy for Tyler.
H- Hometown? Montpelier, ID.
I- Favorite Indulgence? Umm, I have a lot. I love homemade desserts. Anything really rich and not fat free!
J- January or July? July. Picnics, sun shine, BBQ, the beach, family reunions,etc........
K- Kids? My little angel, Damon. He is four.
L- Life isn't complete without...? Being surrounded by family!
M- Marriage date? June 16, 2000.
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 2 Sisters, 2 Brothers. I like symmetry, I wonder if this is why?
O- Oranges or Apples? Depends on the day. I really like them both.
P- Phobia and fears? I worry all the time that something might happen to someone I care about.
Q- Quote? I have a lot that I love. So, here is one of them, " When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." I don't know who to give credit to. I just got it in seminary a long time ago.
R- Reason to smile? So many. Damon wanting a hug and kiss, Tyler getting home from work, a day warm enough to run outside, my family coming to visit, having time to do something artistic, a beautiful picture, yummy food......
S- Season of choice? Usually which ever one it is, except winter when it is almost spring (like right now). It just lasts too long here.
T- Tag four people? Lori, Elise, Tara, and Cordie
U- Unknown fact about me? Most of you probably already know this, but I can't think of anything else that would be interesting. I am a "pack rat", I don't like wasting anything. I hold on to things way too long, and things of little or no value. I drive myself crazy, but I am getting better. I sometimes have to force myself to throw something away. Then I feel a little proud of myself for finally doing it. I know, Weird!
V- Vegetable? Anything fresh from the garden, but if I have to pick one.... Nope I can't, but the vegetable I eat the most is probably lettuce.
W- Worst habit? I procrastinate really bad. I am working on it. Oh, and the "pack rat" thing.
X-Ray or Ultrasound? Well, I have had quite a few of both. X-ray means you are already in pain and ultrasound means you are about to be. I think ultrasounds are soooo uncomfortable (I am talking abdominal untrasounds here), but they are sometimes the sign of a little bundle of joy so they aren't all bad, just most of the ones I have had have been.
Y- Your favorite food? I love Italian seafood, sushi, and anything covered in chesse!
Z- Zodiac sign? Aries
5 years ago
I love the ultrasound commet, amen!
That is a cute tag! It is so fun to get to know you better!
This really is a good tag I will do it when I post again.
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