My dad will soon be getting his long-awaited pool table. Until he does we usually go play when my family comes to visit. Ryan got his cast off on Friday(he broke his ankle at the end of basketball season this year and it was such a sad way for him to end his senior year)and, they stayed for the weekend. We had a lot of fun.
This is Tyler taking a shot.
I like this picture of Ryan and Dad analyzing something.
This is where Damon spends his time. On the table next door. He collects all the balls, as people hit them in, and then has lots of fun hitting them in with his hands. I usually join him at this table.

This next picture is where I spend most of my time while we are playing pool. The art gallery.

I made the boys let me play one game and then I went next door to look at the art. There were some really amazing pieces. I really liked how this women used several different mediums in this one. She used charcoal, acrilyc, a torn up map, etc. It had a lot of texture which you just can't get in a photo. I wish I had her name. It was really cool.
I bet your dad is excited about the table! I love pool, but I am not very good. I would be at the other table with my little boy probably. That painting is pretty cool, too.
Oh, is Dad going to get it soon? I like playing pool at the sub, and I miss the games at the institute. They're fun! Its fun to have some cheep or even free entertainment close by! I hope Ryan's ankle heals up soon. I love Damon's own table. He always gets excited when balls get knocked in & go to his table. Cute!
i think it is so cute how damon plays with balls when the guys are playing,mom
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