He waited all day to finally take the cars off and play with them. He was really patient and very cute about it.
He also reached a milestone on his birthday. He finally learned how to blow a bubble with his gum. He has been asking me how for quite awhile now. I am glad he finally figured it out.
Opps! One time the gum ended up on my pants. No harm done. Damon quickly picked it up and went right on practicing.
Damon had lots of fun playing with his cousins. We were in and out all day because of the weather.
We played some games outside, but the kids had the most fun just running around and doing their own thing. It is so fun to see them interact.
Damon loves his cousin Mylee so much. We are really glad they are visiting again. He loves to give her a little hug or help her sit up. He is so sweet with her.
We are so grateful to all of our family who came and helped make it a special day for our special boy. I forgot to get a picture of everyone who came, but we were so happy to have everyone there. Thank you all for coming and hope you had as much fun as we did.
Happy Birthday Damon! I can't believe he is 5! Hope he had a perfect day.
Hey Tyler and DoniLyn! Its your cousin Jamie. Its fun to catch up! You guys look happy. Glad things are going well for you. Keep in touch!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAMON!! Looks like a fun day! His cake was so cute!
I can't believe how much Damon looks just like you and Mylee looks like Elise.....whoa!
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