Fly a kite! We have so much wind by our house that we can fly kites all through the summer.
Go on vacation! Tyler and I just got back from a cruise last week. I will post details later.
Watch Ryan play baseball! He had a double header here a couple weeks ago. The games went pretty late and there were no fans, but we had so much fun cheering and yelling. It was a great night.
Weed the garden! Damon loved planting the garden. For days after he would say, "Mom do you want to go outside with me." I would ask what he wanted to to and he would say, "To watch the garden grow?" It was so cute. We have a huge weed problem, but we are hoping that if we controll them for a couple of years they won't be so bad. Damon is such a big helper with them.
Play at the park! We got together with family in Logan a couple weeks ago. We had so much fun at Willow Park, one of my favorite places to visit. I will probably post some more pictures of this, too.
Go for walks! Damon loves Mylee so much and he loved pushing her in her stroller.
We have loved the summer so far, but we have a lot more on our "Things To Do This Summer" list. So tell us, what do You do in the summer time. We love to share ideas.
Cute pics! I dying to hear the details of your cruise! I'm glad to hear that your garden has lots of weeds too. Mine's out of control.
Hi donilyn! THis is Josie (Ipsen) Grover. I just found your blog cruisin around! It looks like you have a happy family! How are you? We are at Drop by and say hi.
Doni, it's been awhile. I just came across your blog. i love it! Damon looks just like you. Looks like your doing great. I'd love to hear from you.
Love this post - you can never have too many pictures. :) And what a HUGE garden!
Looking forward to pixs from your cruise...
In response to your comment on my blog...
LOL Shut up! I was laughing at how big you were when you were pregnant? Ouch. I HATED reading that! I don't even remember seeing you pregnant - but my memory has always been crap. Surely I must have been giggling over how cute you were. Or how crazy that you were gonna be a mommy. Yeah. That must be it. lol.
Well I hope I didn't hurt your feelings and if I did I'm sure karma has it in for me and the 80+ lbs waiting to be gained. Well thanks for your input and encouragement.
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