I love these little animals I have scattered around the house. I think they are all so cute. However, I think all of them might scare me or gross me out if they were real. Weird! The turtle is the newest addition to our house, isn't he cute? I love him!
These little wooden accents are so cool. I have a couple of projects in mind for them. I'll post them when I am done.
I love homemade fabric flowers. They are so fun to make and there are so many different techniques for making them.
I love ribbon. I think it makes almost everything better.
I can't believe I have had 3 of these lists without putting our piano on one. It was a pretty big expense for us when we were first married, but it is definitely one of the things in our house that I really love.
Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day. We sure did!
A couple weeks ago Tyler was in the E.R. passing a kidney stone. It was one crazy morning. At one point the P.A. asked Tyler how he was doing and through clenched teeth, and what sounded like his last breath, he murmered, "I want to die!" As soon as the stone passed he was back to his old self. We were laughing and sending texts while he finished his I.V. We also got to listen in on the prisoner in the room next to us, who seemed to be on vacation. When Damon got home from school and heard the story he felt like he missed out on a fun time.
Since we aren't carpenters we had to make due with the tools we had. This did cause a few problems; everything took much longer, there were a few "difficult-to-fix" mistakes, and we had to use tools in pretty inventive ways. But it all turned out ok in the end. And thank goodness for an insulated garage or I don't think this would have even been possible this time of year.
Here they are installed. I am still working on filling them. It is a little hard to tell, but they are HUGE. So it is taking me awhile. They are another one of my steps toward better flow and organization in my house. I am having a little bit of a problem being practical and still pretty. Any advise. I will put up some pictures of our family room after I finish a few more projects: recovering an old couch (hopefully), finishing some cute pillows, finding some old, but sturdy chairs that I can give new life to.... I will paint if I have to, but after the shelfs and this room I am pretty tired of painting. I went through almost 3 gallons of paint in 2 days. This was one part of the project that Tyler would have no part of. I guess I can't have it all.
I love them!