This time of year, I feel extra greatful for each day I can spend outside because I know before long I will be forced indoors due to the freezing cold.
I was feeling that greatful feeling the other night while we were busy making tin foil dinners in our fire pit.

Damon was pretty excited since he was finally taught how to use a lighter, and really wanted to help start the fire. He tried to reassure me, by telling me he had been practicing. Telling me he had been practicing with a lighter was not exactly the reassurance I needed. I was reassured by the fact that Tyler was supervising.
Why is it that food tastes better outside? I have my theories.

After dinner and talking to our neighbors about their recently deceased dog, we started the smores. There was a marshmellow or two that would rather burn in the coals than fill our tummies, which brought on a few tears, but in the end we all got nice and full before we attempted a sleepover on the tramp. That lasted til about 3:00 a.m. like most tramp camping does at our house. That's when the thunder started. Tyler grabed Damon, I gathered all of our stuff, and we ended up right back where we belong, our nice cozy beds. Damon was a little disappointed when he woke up wondering how he got in bed, but I woke up a lot more comfortable than I would have outside. The star gazing was a lot of fun. Maybe we will just stick with that next time... Na, I'll never get off that easy.