In honor of Valentine's Day I thought I would list some of the things in my life that I really LOVE.
I can't talk about the things I LOVE without mentioning my bed. It is, oh so comfy, and very hard to roll out of every morning.
I LOVE getting cozy with a good book. I finally finished "Harry Potter" and now I am waiting for the "Twilight" books I hear so much about. In the mean time I am enjoying a little C.S. Lewis, he is amazing.
I LOVE watching re-runs of the office. It is the best show since "Friends." Anybody agree? I just heard today they should be recording again soon. Can't wait!!!
A few things which have made my life in the kitchen soooo much easier are non-stick bake ware. I LOVE these pans and baking sheets. Nothing sticks to them, I mean NOTHING! There is pretty much no clean up. You just plop out whatever it is you cooked in it, then wipe out the pan (it never looks like it needs it, but I feel like I should at least attempt to clean it), and then throw it back in the cupboard. Or just leave it out. It is usually pretty likely I will find something else to use it for by the next meal. You can make anything in them. They are awesome.

I LOVE my indoor athletic equipment while I wait for the weather to get better. These are a few of the things I use most. Yoga mat, exercise ball, and tredmil. LOVE them all. They really help me get through the winter. The bouncy horse is fun, too. Okay, that one is Damon's.
I LOVE this perfume Tyler got me. I rarely go a day without it. Smells so good!I have lots of little things that make my life enjoyable. However the thing I am most grateful for and I LOVE the most is my family. We are so blessed. I should have made a slide show with picture of all of you on here. Since I didn't you will just have to see another picture of me and "my boys." What would I do without them?

I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day full of happiness and lots of LOVE!