*10 years ago I was...
...in high school. Man, has it really been that long ago. It doesn't seem like it. I had lots of fun in Bear Lake even though I complained about it a lot. We had to be creative since we were pretty much stuck there during the winter. (As a side note, we were there last weekend and I was shocked at all the snow. I forget what it was like until I go back and then it all comes flying back to me. I'll post a picture.) I really did love high school and have lasting friends.
*5 things on my to-do list today
1. Laundry
2. Work with my clients
3. Play with Damon
4. Workout
5. Make something really good for dinner
(These are just a few, I live by lists and it is much longer than this.)
*Things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire
travel, donate, travel, invest, travel (I have lots of places I really want to see.)
*3 bad habits
1. Pick my cuticles
2. Eat too much sugar
3. Procrastinate
*Places I have lived...
Logan, Ut, Paris, Id, Montpelier, Id, Pocatello, Id, Chubbuck, Id
*5 jobs I have had
1. Berry picker (the worst, freezing in the morning, really hot all day, all for mere pennies.)
2. Cleaned condos at Bear Lake (not too bad, plus we got to see lots of cute guys and swim in the pool after work.)
3. Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor (lifeguarding...yawn. Teaching ...fun. The little kids were so cute and dependent on you. The older kids a little more difficult, they liked to try and show off. Still fun though)
4. Server (At Applebee's. Good tips, but that's about it. Not fun.)
5. Psychosocial Reabilitation Specialist (or, working with kids with behavior problems and trying to teach their parents how to be parents. Rewarding, sometimes. Stressful, always.)
*Things most people don't know about me...
I hate scary movies. They give me anxiety and I get a stomach ache.
I will eat almost anything, but I don't like black olive, in the can, or cucumbers. I love green olives and pickles. I know! They are the same things.
I love Sushi.
I like to paint and draw.
The place I want to travel to the most is Italy.
I could go on and on, but I will stop.
I am tagging anyone who hasn't yet gotten this one. Do it and let me know. I love getting to know people a little bit better.
5 years ago
It was fun to learn more about you!
FUN! I want to go to Italy so bad too, lets go sometime. I loved working at the condos!
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