A few months ago he went on a job and there was blood splattered all over the garage. The woman said her husband tried to "do it himself." The result was a trip to the hospital. I guess that happens all the time when people try to fix their garage doors themselves. Situations like these inspired Tyler to come up with the new design for the back of his work shirts.
This is the end result. What does everyone think? He is pretty excited about this design. He thinks it is pretty funny. I guess people always laugh with him about trying to do things themselves before calling him. I just don't know if someone who actually had a real accident will appreciate it. I guess time will tell. Even if this isn't funny lets make sure and tell Tyler it is, okay!
Love the shirt, so funny and goes with Tyler's personality! How is Andy and Ari doing? Are you sad that your sister and Ari are gone? Do you hang out with Lori. I bet she is so busy.
Love it! That is really funny! Your blog is so cute.
Tyler thinks its a good shirt!!
Brady and I think it is so funny! I'm sure no one will be offended.
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