Because I was the Primary Councelor over Scouts we planned on having a car in the Derby. Damon was very excited to help build and paint it.
This is Damon with his trophey. He was so excited. I think he loved it as much, and probably more, than the boys in Cub Scouts. It was very cute. We are thinking of having a little derby for his birthday in June. So if you would like to come, start a car. The owner of the track will set it up for you and let you use it for $25. That is one cheep party! Everybody get ready. It is going to be lots of fun.
That sounds like so much fun. I can just see him getting in to it! I like the new quote you have at the top of your page. It is really cute!
Ian would love that, so would Michael. Check out the link to Bucks man blog, it is hilarious! The link is on my blog.
I kind of want to have a pine wood durby for my birthday. I wish we had those sort of connections here. So sad we don't! By the way, love the "LOVE" sign. Did you make it?
Yes, I made it from some wood letters, and scrapbook supplies. It was easy and fun!
Oh, I love the letters too! I made some last year for Easter. I was thinking of making some "XOXO" ones for Valentines Day because we don't really have any VDay decorations yet. And I just did some "Mylee" letters this week for her bedroom. I'll post a picture of them. I love getting in to the holidays!
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