Sunday, November 4, 2007

We love Halloween

Here are a few pictures of our fun Halloween. We had a lot of different places to go. Damon was so excited to be Spiderman. He hasn't ever really had an opinion before (I think I talked him out of something last year, so I guess we will say this is the first year he picked what he wanted to be.) These pictures weren't all taken on the same day, however you will notice Damon is Spiderman in every one. He practially wore out his costume before Halloween.

Here is Damon at a party at the library.

I made Tyler help us carve pumpkins this year. He usually tries to get out of it. He ended up doing most of the work. No wonder he avoids it. Damon picked a hard pattern and wanted Daddy to help him. I guess you can't really see it in this picture, but it was a bunch of little monsters. It turned out really good.

This is Damon's preschool class. They had a little party and the moms were all feeling very safe. We had Superman, Batman, and Spiderman all under one roof.

Our ward had a trunk-or-treat. Tyler handed out the candy while Damon and I went to all the cars. Then we went back to our trunk and Damon had just as much fun passing out candy to all the kids. It was a lot of fun and we, errrrr Damon got some really good candy.

We made a stop at the mall to see Rainbow Bright, a.k.a. my sister Lori.


JaCee said...

i love all these pictures! especially spiderman on multiple days, and the witch, and rainbow bright - that is a classic lori costume! i love it!

Cordie said...

Lori looks awesome! In fact you all look great! I am basically loving all the costumes!

Tara said...

So cute! It's good to see Lori. I love Rainbow Bright!!!