Damon had the treat for Family Home Evening and picked "cookies with white chocolate in them." So I made a couple of batches of these yummy cookies. We finished up, played a game, and tucked Damon into bed. I sent Tyler out the door to a study group and I realized I had some free time on my hands. I put in the last batch of cookies and ended up singing my heart out on Rock Band. I couldn't do just one song so I picked another. After I felt like I had wasted enough time I decided to turn off the XBOX and find something more productive to do.
That is when I heard a buzzing from upstairs. "The cookies!" I raced to the kitchen to find these in the oven. Opps! I can't believe I was so distracted.
While I am on the Rock Band subject I thought I should post a couple of pictures from a few weeks ago.
I love that Ellie's ears are plugged. It makes me laugh so much. This is why I needed the practice while I was alone.
How funny! Mylee's looking at these pics with me and she's pretty concerned about the burnt cookies. "What she do? What she do...the cookies?" Haha. The picture of Ellie is hilarious! I think singing on rock band is really hard!
So you have to know that I just recovered from a two week bout of tendinitis from nothing more then playing band hero on the Wii. When I was looking up Tendinitis on web med the first bullet was symptoms and the second was injuries from the Wii. How funny, I got a good laugh out of that it's addicting.
guilty many times over for burning the last batch of cookies :) I love your loves too.
I am sorry that you burned the cookies. They do look so good. I am glad that you had some free time on your hands. I am sure Ellie is not plugging her ears because you don't sound good. I want to see you guys play it when we come next. Love ya
Taylor saw the cookies that weren't burned and said "get the recipe." You know how he loves chocolate.
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