Thursday, January 24, 2008

BIG Helper

We made a couple of changes to our basement during the last couple of months. Damon loves to say that he helped dad build the new room. Tyler would give him little jobs to do so he felt like he was contributing to the project. So, when we started painting Damon was very interested in helping. I was not sure that was such a good idea. Much to my surprise he actually did such a good job. He was very careful about what he was doing and made sure not to make a mess. I had to go over his work when he was done but he did surprisingly well.


Tara said...

IT that the door to the outside in your basemet....could I have worded that better????? Anyway, it sort of looks like your upstairs. You'll have to take more pics....or just explain, that would be okay too.

Elise said...

What a cutie. He's such a good helper. I just got the cd of Christmas pics from Mom in the mail. Have you seen them? There are some cute ones. I love the ones of Damon & Mylee of course. I think it is so cute how he is holding her.