Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Go Jazz!

Last weekend we went to a Jazz game with Tyler's brother Jared and his wife Lindsey. We were very high up, but we had a fun time. Damon really liked it. He stayed pretty interested in the game. I stayed pretty interested in these old guys who sat in front of us.
They were totally decked out in JAZZ! They were very funny and I had to get a picture. They were true fans. It appeared that they might be a little superstitious and had some kind of routine going on. They were very into the game, even though they won by over 20 points. I was laughing at these guys the whole game, but I also admired their loyalty. It was great!

1 comment:

Tara said...

That is soooooooooooooo funny!!!!! I'm still laughing. I can see you, laughing...good times it sounds like!