Tuesday, January 8, 2008


For Family Home Evening last night we talked about Daniel and the Lion's Den. Then we made the character's out of Play-Doh.
Can you guess who did what. Hint: Tyler thought his needed a party hat, and Damon wasn't interested in creating a lion, but just playing with one.

Damon decided his lion was going to attack my lion and Tyler's boy. We changed his name from Daniel at this point so as not to get confused about the true story. This was much more fun for Damon. He was very funny making his lion. He just picked a color and squished it in his hand. Then he spent the rest of the time stomping the little ball of dough around the table.


Tara said...

I love that!!!! You are such a cute mom (unless that was Tyler's idea but ...well...yeah) Hey does he still think I am his girlfriend? I think I would still like to be if I could still be in the running. Let me know on that.

JaCee said...

that's a good idea! cute damon!